First name: Micheal
Race: Caucasian
Age: 14 years
Child’s ID number: 11403
Birth Date: 11-30-2009
Gender: Male
Sibling: Yes
Sibling Group: 250085


Oh Brother…Brothers, Micheal and Daniel are looking for a ‘no matter what’ family together. Micheal is always respectful to others. He is responsible and hardworking. Generally, you can find Micheal staying active. He really enjoys playing soccer, but he also likes playing other sports. He likes to go fishing. In his free time, Micheal likes to play video games. Micheal does not currently have a favorite class in school. He likes all of his classes equally, as long as the teacher is nice. In his future, Micheal would like to be a professional soccer player, an engineer, and/or a gamer. Daniel is goofy with a great sense of humor as enjoys making other people laugh. He is full of energy and loves staying active. Some activities that he enjoys are going skating, fishing, or riding his bike. He has recently taken an interest in cooking. Daniel’s favorite class in school is science. When he grows up, Daniel wants to become a policeman. Micheal and Daniel have a strong bond and wish to have a ‘no matter what’ family where they can remain together. They are looking for a loving, caring, and supportive family. The boys would like a family who will spend time with them and who will do activities with them.
