First name: Kaley
Race: Caucasian
Age: 15 years
Child’s ID number: 1373
Birth Date: 04-30-2009
Gender: Female
Sibling: Yes
Sibling Group: 219760


Meet Kaley, a creative teen who enjoys crafting and crocheting! She has an array of other interests including; cheer, dance, cosmetology, photography, bike riding, and spending time outside. Kaley does well in school, and her favorite subject is math because she feels that it comes easy to her and she likes multiplication. One of the things that Kaley is most proud of is that she is smart. In the future, Kaley would like to become a photographer. Kaley would benefit from having a family who has a background in trauma-informed care, is able to provide structure, and can advocate for her needs. She is looking for a ‘no matter what’ family who will provide her with all the love, care, and support she needs.
