First name: Matthew
Race: Caucasian
Age: 17 years
Child’s ID number: 1378
Birth Date: 03-18-2007
Gender: Male
Sibling: Yes
Sibling Group: 283269


Matthew, Ezekiel and Malachi are closely bonded brothers who want to be adopted together by a family that will enjoy being outside and playing sports with them! All of the boys enjoy playing football and take every opportunity to be outside. The oldest brother, Matthew, loves to draw. He also enjoys baseball and track. When it’s time to relax inside, you might find him curled up on the couch laughing at old comedy movies. Matthew is proud of his grades in school, where his favorite classes are social studies, science and math. He said math makes sense to him, science makes him feel smart, and social studies is interesting. He hopes to one day join a branch of the military, then rescue animals. Matthew said he works hard to get better every day and learn from his mistakes. He would like to join a “no matter what” family that will support him. Ezekiel enjoys all sports and likes to ride his bike. He likes hanging out with his friends, who make him laugh. Ezekiel does well in school and said his favorite classes are science and math. He said he might like to join the Army when he’s older. Ezekiel would like to join a loving, structured family that enjoys sports and outdoor activities. Malachi, the youngest brother, enjoys running, drawing, hanging out with friends and eating pizza. His favorite class is science, because he likes doing projects. Malachi said he’s been working hard to get his school assignments done so he can play outside. He would like to be a police officer when he grows up, so he can help people. Malachi would do best with a family that is consistent and that would spend time with him outside.
