First name: Ricky
Race: Caucasian
Age: 15 years
Child’s ID number: 11408
Birth Date: 08-12-2009
Gender: Male
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Ricky is a helpful guy who always looks for a way to help others! He’s known for having a caring heart. You may find him offering a lending hand around the house to make chores go by faster. Ricky has a creative personality. Ask him to tell you a story and he’ll let his imagination flow. Ricky takes pride in his appearance and enjoys putting together stylish outfits for himself! Ricky is great with animals. He would even love to be a part of a family that has a dog. In his free time, Ricky likes to play games on his tablet and listen to music. Ricky would benefit from a family that can offer patience and consistent stability.