First name: Raeleigh
Race: Caucasian
Age: 15 years
Child’s ID number: 1307
Birth Date: 10-08-2008
Gender: Female
Sibling: Yes
Sibling Group: 303474


Twins Owen and Raeleigh are as equally smart as they are creative! Owen is talented when it comes to building something. Give him an intricate Lego set, and he’ll wow you with his attention to detail. A guy of detail, it naturally makes sense he’s a math whiz and claims that as his best subject. Owen finds history fascinating, an afternoon at a museum could be a great way to spend the day! Raeleigh lets her talent shine through her writing and drawing abilities! She even pictures herself being an author one day. A proud violinist, Raeleigh prides herself on effort she puts in to practice her instrument. Both Owen and Raeleigh would benefit from having a structured and loving family.
