First name: Liberty
Race: Caucasian
Age: 13 years
Child’s ID number: 1374
Birth Date: 10-04-2010
Gender: Female
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Liberty is a very determined girl with natural leadership skills, and when she sets a goal, she achieves it, those who know her say. She has good problem-solving skills, and she loves to build complex structures! Liberty enjoys hiking, swimming and riding her bike! Her hobbies also include drawing, playing with Legos, reading and playing on electronics. She’s learning to do tricks on the Yo-Yo, and she’d like to learn to play tennis and volleyball. In school, Liberty’s favorite class is writing. Liberty is proud that she gets good grades. She was at the top of her class in reading, and she also does well in math. Liberty said she’d like to be on America’s Got Talent when she’s older and would like to become a famous singer or comedian. Liberty would like to join an active family that enjoys travel and has just a couple of children around her age. She would do best with a family that would provide her with stability and structure and that would help her to maintain her relationship with her younger sister. Only families living in Kansas are being considered at this time.