First name: Bentley
Race: Caucasian
Age: 12 years
Child’s ID number: 1309
Birth Date: 06-20-2012
Gender: Male
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Would you like to go treasure hunting with Bentley? He loves to look for treasures with a metal detector. Bentley also likes to be creative by doing arts and crafts. He is friendly and outgoing. Bentley loves Pokémon and playing with Bakugan toys. He also likes to listen to music, play computer games, and play video games. Another favorite past time of Bentley’s is using a metal detector to look for treasures. Bentley’s favorite classes in school are science, math, and art. He thinks science and math are easy, and he likes to do science experiments. When Bentley grow up, he wants to be a scientist, an astronaut, and a computer game programmer. Bentley is looking for a family who can provide him with consistency and structure. He thrives on knowing what comes next and would benefit from having a routine. The family will need to be patient and caring. The family would benefit from having training in trauma informed care. Only families living in Kansas are being considered at this time.