First name: Jacky
Race: Caucasian
Age: 14 years
Child’s ID number: 1328
Birth Date: 10-25-2009
Gender: Female
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 198532


About Jacky is a loving kid with a big heart! She connects well with animals and would love a family that has a pet or two. Jacky really enjoys time outdoors, especially if includes swimming. She even dreams of what it would be like if she were a mermaid! When spending time inside, Jacky likes to play with her baby dolls. She is known for having a silly personality and will let out endless giggles if someone tickles her. Jacky is also known for being helpful. She enjoys the opportunity to help out with special tasks around the house. Jacky would benefit from a family that can offer a lot of love, structure, and patience.
