First name: Chase
Race: Caucasian
Age: 12 years
Child’s ID number: 11427
Birth Date: 11-08-2011
Gender: Female
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Would you like to challenge Chase to a card game? Chase would enjoy playing a card game or two with you. Although, she may be shy at first, Chase is a sweet and loving girl with a great sense of humor. Chase says that she tries to work hard to be nice to everyone. Some of Chase’s other interests include gymnastics, reading, and baking. She tries hard to do her best at gymnastics and thinks that it is fun. She enjoys reading in her free time. In fact, Chase’s favorite books are the Harry Potter series. Chase enjoys to bake and is always up for learning new recipes. Chase’s favorite classes in school are English Language Arts (ELA) and Physical Education (PE). She enjoys ELA because she gets to read and learn grammar. She likes PE because she gets to run, jump, and play. When she grows up, Chase wants to become a hair stylist. Chase feels special when she is loved. She is looking for a family who can simply love her to make her feel special. The family will need to be able to provide Chase with consistency, structure, and supervision. It would be beneficial for the family to have trauma informed training.