First name: Christian
Race: Caucasian
Age: 16 years
Child’s ID number: 1332
Birth Date: 05-15-2008
Gender: Male
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Christian is an active teen with an energetic personality! He likes to keep up with his energy by staying involved in a number of sports. Christian likes to participate in football, baseball, basketball, and swimming. He would even love to take up horseback riding! He’s expressed that he likes working with animals and would be very interested in the possibility of volunteering at an animal shelter. At school, Christian likes to participate in electives that keep him captivated. He explains he loves technology, art, and PE. Christian gets excited when he can take apart and build computer pieces in tech class. He feels art class lets him be creative and PE allows him to be active. However, he is most proud that math class is his highest grade! Christian would do well with a forever family that can offer him an active lifestyle, along with consistent emotional support.