First name: Charles
Race: Caucasian
Age: 16 years
Child’s ID number: 1339
Birth Date: 01-17-2008
Gender: Male
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Charlie is a true animal lover. Being around animals is his happy place. He hopes to one day have a career working with animals in some way. Charlie is hardworking and enjoys working with his hands. He likes to build things and be creative. Charlie is goofy and always enjoys a good joke. He likes to laugh at funny stories and funny animal videos. Charlie has a good heart. He is caring, respectful, and kind. Charlie also enjoys being active outdoors. In his free time, you can find Charlie listening to music. He likes all different types of music. Charlie’s favorite subject in school is science, because he loves learning different things about animals. Charlie is looking for a ‘no matter what’ family who will not give up on him. Charlie would like to have a family who likes to stay active. The family would benefit from having an understanding of childhood trauma. Charlie will need the family to be able to provide him with patience, structure, and love.