First name: Jared
Race: Bi-Racial
Age: 14 years
Child’s ID number: 11417
Birth Date: 06-02-2010
Gender: Male
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 276023


Jared is a helpful, caring, and kind teen who enjoys playing sports, dancing, and going for walks. Some of his other interests include listening to music, singing, and playing video games. His favorite subject in school is math, because he says that he is good at it and he thinks math is fun. In his future, Jared wants to be a fireman or a person who helps others. Jared is looking for a loving, caring, and supportive family. The family will need to be patient, understanding, and kind. He wants a family who is interactive and enjoys doing activities together. Only families living in Kansas are being considered at this time.