First name: Serenity
Race: Caucasian
Age: 11 years
Child’s ID number: 11414
Birth Date: 03-07-2013
Gender: Female
Sibling: Yes
Sibling Group: 29738


Serenity and Faith are closely bonded sisters who are looking for a family to call their own. Serenity is a strong-willed, independent girl. She has a great sense of humor and likes jokes and playing pranks. Serenity likes to draw and enjoys doing craft projects. She also likes to stay active. She enjoys participating in gymnastics. Serenity’s favorite classes are music and science. She likes doing science experiments. Faith is a sweet, caring, and compassionate girl. She is respectful towards others and is a hard worker. In her free time, Faith enjoys ballet, gymnastics, singing, and coloring. Faith’s favorite class in school is music because she likes to sing. Serenity and Faith are looking for a family that can provide them with the care and love they deserve. The family will need to support the girls and help them achieve their goals.
