First name: Halee
Race: Native American
Age: 14 years
Child’s ID number: 11429
Birth Date: 10-31-2009
Gender: Female
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Halee is an artistic teen looking for a ‘no matter what’ family. You can catch her drawing all sorts of different characters in her sketchbooks. She also enjoys doing any type of craft activity. Halee is also adventurous. She likes to do different activities with her placement. She enjoys going to parks, museums, and restaurants. She even likes to ride the roller coasters at the amusement park. In the summer, Halee would love to just spend the days at the pool. Halee is helpful, loving, and caring. Halee is looking for a loving and caring family. The family will need to provide her with support and guidance. Halee will need a family who is patient and loving as she is a loving person herself. Only families living in Kansas are being considered at this time.