First name: Logan
Race: Caucasian
Age: 15 years
Child’s ID number: 11382
Birth Date: 08-07-2009
Gender: Male
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


When authenticity meets imagination, you get Skyler (Logan)! Skyler is authentic and true to herself. She is inspired by art and sees the world through a unique lens. Her passion for art influences everything she does, from the way she dresses to how she decorates her space. Skyler also enjoys to sing, dance, and go roller skating. Skyler’s favorite class is music because she loves to sing. She has found an interest in cosmetics and wants to become a cosmetologist in her future. Skyler needs a compassionate and understanding environment with adults that can continue to guide and build her adaptive skills. She would like to have a family who will be supportive of her interests. Skyler needs stability, love, and patience.