First name: Fred
Race: Caucasian
Age: 15 years
Child’s ID number: 1306
Birth Date: 05-03-2009
Gender: Male
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Fred is a country music loving youth who is friendly and helpful. He has a great sense of humor and enjoys making others laugh. Fred can be found outside playing football or playing with Nerf guns. In his free time, he likes to put puzzles together, play board games, and play video games. When he grows up, Fred wants to be a firefighter. Fred’s favorite part about school is a class with electronics. Fred is looking for a family who will love him ‘no matter what.’ He would like to have parents who are willing to talk to him. He wants to be able to have friends come over. The family would benefit from being able to provide structure, a consistent routine, and being able to spend some individual time with Fred. He will need the family to have patience and have an understanding of children with trauma.