First name: Sylvia
Race: Caucasian
Age: 17 years
Child’s ID number: 11420
Birth Date: 02-09-2007
Gender: Female
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Welding is a career that is always in demand. It is used in manufacturing, construction, and nearly every industry in between. Sylvia aspires to one day become a welder. Her favorite class in school is welding. She loves using the welding tools to make things. Sylvia knows what she wants in her future and is determined to follow her dreams. Sylvia is kindhearted, intelligent, and is always willing to help others. She often demonstrates comic relief by making other people laugh. Sylvia likes to be around animals and taking care of them. She is a horse enthusiast and enjoys to go horseback riding. Sylvia is looking for a loving family who will provide her with safety, understanding, and consistency. She would like a family who enjoys having fun and doing activities together. The family will need to be able to provide Sylvia with support and help her transition into adulthood.