First name: Wyatt
Race: Caucasian
Age: 13 years
Child’s ID number: 1329
Birth Date: 09-12-2011
Gender: Male
Sibling: No
Sibling Group: 0


Wyatt is a very active, loving, and playful boy! A self-proclaimed “Chevy man”, Wyatt enjoys all things truck related, except Fords. For fun, Wyatt likes to build different Trucks and Transformers out of Legos. His all-time favorite Transformer is Bumblebee. Wyatt really enjoys hands-on activities and enjoys learning how things come apart and are put back together. Another favorite pastime of his is bowling. He even won 2nd place for Bowling in the Special Olympics! And like most young boys, Wyatt gets a kick out of watching silly cartoons and whoopee cushions. If you would like to learn more about this awesome kiddo, please submit an inquiry!